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Presidentlee was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and he is a well-known figure on social media and in his area and a Porn actor. The United States of America, where he was born, has helped shape him into who he is now. Presidentlee is currently single, but he has said that he likes girls. This shows how honest and open he is about his personal life. He says his endowment is at least 10 inches long, so he isn’t afraid to talk about himself.Regarding personal information, Presidentlee is an exciting person who isn’t afraid to say what he thinks. His unique personality and style are reflected in his appearance, including tattoos and piercings. His facial hair makes him look even more relaxed and laid-back. Presidentlee is a strong example of Dallas’s lively and diverse community, where he is proud to live.Presidentlee has gotten a lot of attention in his field. So far, 153,310,626 people have watched his videos, which is a lot. He has made a lot of progress in his career, which is why 9,583,424 people have looked at his profile. He doesn’t just make videos; he also watches many of them. He has seen 875 videos.