Scarlett Pain

Additional information
Lovely porn star from United States with nice boobs (cup size is "C" without implants) was born in 18 December 1981. She has really nice brown eyes and red hair. This babe has piercings on big plugs in her stretched earlobes, numerous helix piercings, two labrets on her lower lips, each nostril pierced, one tongue, one piercing in each nipple, one piercing on her upper navel, one ring in her clit. She also has some tattoos: pistol pointing to her clit on lower stomach, as well as a flower, right wrist and shoulder, foot, sleeve on left arm, tribal on small of back, jessica rabbit on outer right calf, marijuana leaf above left ankle.
She started her career in 2007. Her career was finished in 2014. Unfortunately, there will not be any new videos with such nice woman.