Scarlett Johansson lookalike porn clone and Adult models doppelgangers of Scarlett

Scarlett Ingrid Johansson
Scarlett Johansson is an American actress and singer. Pretty woman, who has been in the Forbes Celebrity 100 several times and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And we know, that there are a lot of guys, who would like to see her in porn. But, unfortunately, there are only some videos from her iCloud account. It is not to interesting. So, FindPornFace team collected a list of lookalike Porn stars and Adult models by using our face recognition API.
Similar Porn Stars and Adult models:
Mulani Rivera
Similarity: 78%
Yes, this babe has another hair color, but her face is really close to Scarlett
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Stesha Nubiles
Similarity: 75%
Cute blonde from Russia is quite close to young Scarlett Johansson
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Galina Galkina
Similarity: 69%
Quite close to Scarlett. By the way, Galina has quite close nickname too — Scarlett Jones
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