Cara Delevingne lookalike porn stars and doppelgangers

Cara Delevingne
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne, born in London on August 12, 1992, is a versatile English talent, serving as a fashion model, actress, and singer. After leaving school in 2009, she signed with Storm Model Management and swiftly earned recognition, clinching the "Model of the Year" title at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014. Her runway presence has graced renowned fashion houses such as Burberry, Mulberry, Dolce & Gabbana, and Jason Wu, making her an iconic figure in the world of fashion and allure. The FindPornFace team used our face recognition engine to collect a compilation of adult actors and models who resemble Cara Delevingne.
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Samantha Strong
Similarity: 52%
This babe from US is the thick and mature version of Cara. As you can see, they have similar facial features.
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Stacy Moran
Similarity: 49%
This cutie pie has a face that's just as stunning and gorgeous as Cara. She's retire but you can still see her videos online.
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