Hailey Baldwin lookalike porn stars and doppelgangers

Hailey Baldwin
Hailey Baldwin Bieber is an American model, TV personality, and social media influencer. She was born in Tucson, Arizona, into a family of actors and performers. Hailey started her modeling journey at just 15 years old. She has since strutted down the runways of big fashion shows, including the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and the Ralph Lauren show. Her career is as dazzling as her runway presence. The FindPornFace team has gathered a list of porn stars and adult models who look like Hailey Baldwin by using our face recognition technology.
Similar Porn Stars and Adult models:
Heidi Romanova
Similarity: 80%
Facial features is so accurate, I think I will be confused if their hair color are the same too!
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Katya Ac
Similarity: 67%
Check out this Ukrainian porn star who looks like a total doppelganger of Hailey Baldwin! Can you see it too?
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Karyn Bayres
Similarity: 60%
And finally, we have this stunning Argentinian porn star on our list. She looks like Hailey in terms of facial features but has completely different body type.
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